Our oldest is off on his first real adventure away from home. . .
On a recent missions trip to Ensenada, Mexico, Mike’s eyes were opened to the next step in the path God has for him. Discipleship Training School (DTS).
The YWAM DTS is designed to encourage students to develop in personal character, to cultivate a living relationship with God, and to identify their unique individual gifts and callings.
The program aims to prepare strong messengers of the gospel, helping students to know God in depth. The goal is to form Christian character and establish Biblical relationships while developing a daily walk with God.
This intensive training course begins with a 12 week classroom phase followed by an 8 week outreach.
Yes, I pulled the info off the website, but I can’t say it any better than they do :)
It was a day of mixed emotions as we said goodbye to Mike. . .
. . . we will miss you!
You can go here to learn more about DTS.